I waked up today to anything but peace.
Yesterday I had a dream for this ship to reach Gaza, today I am speechless, and my heart rips on pain. How much will we accept, before we open our eyes and see what´s happening?

My heart and mind is with all activist and with Gaza. When will this end? Israel is the only country that do break international law in such way and don´t show respect for anyone or anything. Is it so easy to take a innocent persons life? All their crime is that they are fighting for peoples right to live free, to live in peace!
The confrontation took place in international water, they claim that they were defending themselves, and I am bored of this Israeli game. Defend what? You are the one attacking, you are the one who are on a place you don´t have any right to be in. I just wonder, will UN react? Will our civilized countries react? Will we just let Israel pass with this? This is what allows them to do it again... I´ve never heard of a country with such permissions Israel has. Its time to wake up!
Gaza should have the right to allow who and what came out from it and in to it..
Show that you care, boycott Israel!
May their souls rest in peace
La Hawla wala qowwa illa bellah - Hasbi Allah wa ni´ma al-waqil
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